The systemic constellation emerged as a therapeutic process, almost as a group dynamics work. My experience shows that it has now evolved into a methodology, an attitude, and even a philosophy of life.
The original term "familienstellen" was created by the German Bert Hellinger and broadly, systemic constellations cover specific areas such as family constellation, business, and professional constellation, where
general principles are present in all of them.
Constellations work looks at the relationships we are a part of by looking at our place within each of these systems. Within this context, a person is not an isolated individual but belongs to a system, where he
brings physical and behavioral characteristics.
Your family, for example, is a family system where each of the people has a positioning. If one of them, for some reason, leaves its place, the tendency is for a disorder to occur and for these disorders to bring
dysfunctions to their lives. Within this movement of disorder, we find difficulties of all kinds, such as in couples' relationships, with children, siblings, health issues, business and prosperity issues, for example.
The systemic constellation is used to perform a kind of "diagnosis" about what may be acting in the invisible of our life. It helps us access information about our relationships and interactions. A constellation can
show whether we are positioned properly or inappropriately. Simply put, it means that when we are in our position, we are at our maximum power or maximum strength, where all our possibilities lie. But when we are
out of our position, we lose strength, and then we can get sick, we can get tangled up, get involved, and still identify with issues and problems that are not ours.
Another very important understanding of the principles of systemic intelligence is that in the same way as we live and position ourselves in our family of origin, we tend to place ourselves in professional life. The
positioning we bring from our family determines success and failure, the flow and impediments in our professional life.